The Nether Realms

The realms listed under the Nether Realms are dimensions of darkness and negative power. In many cases, they are realms of pure evil. Not all of them are. Some exist to maintain balance in the universe. The realms listed below are only a few of these dark and dangerous places.


Malferno is the home realm of the True Demons. Few mortals have seen it, but it is described as a vast wasteland. The souls of the dead never go here unless traded in a deal or stolen on the way to the Underworld. While its denizens are creatures of evil, they rarely venture from the realm on their own. True Demons are empowered by their home and grow weaker the longer they spend in another realm. Returning home allows them to regain their strength. While they prefer to stay home, True Demons are perfectly willing to make deals if they are summoned to the Material Realm by a sorcerer or demonologist for that purpose. They rarely barter in souls, saving that for only the most powerful of deals.


Yatbuju is the realm of antilife. Yatbuju is a dark reflection of the material realm. Its purpose is to maintain balance between the two realms by canceling out enough life energy from the Material Realm to make death possible. Without Yatbuju, nobody would die naturally and the Material Realm would quickly become overpopulated. The energies of Yatbuju can serve another sinister purprose. Its power can be tapped though, as it is also the source of necromancy and undeath.

The Shadow Realm

The Shadow Realm is a mysterious realm of darkness. Nothing is known about this place or its denizens. It is the source of darkness and without it, there would be no relief from bright lights. It is believed to be the source of Dark Magic, a corrosive and dangerous, but powerful form of sorcery