
Welcome to the World of Sarcasca.

You can come here to learn more about me and about my upcoming books and sign up for my newsletter to receive the latest news. My books are fantasy stories taking place in the world of Sarcasca, a fantastic land of multiple kingdoms, magic, a variety of creatures, and adventure.

Map of Sarcasca

Assault on Devil’s Den

Now available. See the thrilling tale of Pelagius and company as they set out to rid the world of the soul-devouring Babu. Join Pelagius on his journey through the kingdoms of Sarcasca in this new epic fantasy.

Trial by Tournament

Now Available. Following the events of Assault on Devil’s Den, Pelagius and company find themselves on trial for murder. As part of their trial, they are forced to enter the Grand Tourney, a tournament featuring the greatest warriors from all the kingdoms of the continent. They must win the tournament to clear their names.

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