Major Deities
The gods and goddesses listed as major deities are the primary deities of Sarcasca. Their worshippers are widespread and their presence is sometimes even witnessed. The pantheon used to be much larger, but some members have been banished and placed in prison realms for various crimes. Many other gods, including the the vast majority of the elder gods who created the gods and the world, were killed in the battle with Orongi the Destroyer. The dead elder gods have been forgotten by the world, but are still remembered by the survivors. The surviving elders gods have been absorbed into the main pantheon but are still acknowledged as the elders.
Agaila: Goddess of Health and Medicine. Appears as a young human woman at the peak of health.
Amirah: Goddess of the Moon. Appears as a pale, but somewhat bright woman.
Andrinor the Wise: Andrinor the Wise is the God of Wisdom and one of the few remaining elder gods. Although he is the younger brother of Sylana, he looks significantly older. He has the appearance of an elderly if not ancient man with a white beard and long white hair. He is the father of Ender and acts as an advisor to Zargan.
Bralagon: the Dragon God. Appears as an enormous dragon (large even by dragon standards). Unlike ordinary dragons, however, he does have the ability to take on a humanoid form (which changes depending on his mood). Bralagon is also one of the few remaining elder gods. Creator of dracians, dragons, and all their cousin species

Ender: God of Valor. Appears as an elderly wiseman with a white beard and dressed in brown robes. Ender is the son of Andrinor the Wise and a forgotten elder goddess who was killed by Orongi the Destroyer. His resemblance to his father is uncanny, although he does not appear nearly as old
Ferrak: God of Fire and the Forge. Appears as a man made of red hot charcoal. Can emit flames from within his body at will (usually if angered).
Hoven: God of Universal Balance. Has the appearance of an ordinary male human. Seeks to maintain universal balance. If he commits a good act he must commit an evil act to restore the balance and vice versa (for example, if he rescues a child he kicks a puppy to restore balance). If war breaks out, he favors whichever side is losing in order to maintain balance. Hoven was the first born son of Dyfon and Sylana. Dyfon was still the God of Order, Chaos, Good, and Evil at the time (before he decided that he couldn’t handle four aspects and reduced himself to simply the God of Order and Chaos by severing Good and Evil into two separate deities), which resulted in his need to maintain the balance. Although he is older than his brother Zargan, he has no interest in leading the pantheon. Creator of humans and neanderthals, both of which have no real inclination toward good, evil, order, or chaos, but are equally likely to go in any direction.
Imani: Goddess of Love. Has the appearance of an impossibly beautiful female elf.
Iradela: Goddess of Luck takes the form of a young woman. She can alter chance and bend odds with ease.
Jagganath: God of Strength. Appears as a large muscle-bound human. Can easily subdue a titan with one finger
Kalatu: God of the Sea. Appears as a large merman.
Karaugh: God of Justice and Vengeance. Has two forms. Justice form appears as an ordinary male human with a gavel. Vengeance form is indescribably monstrous and hideous to behold. Can switch between the two forms at will.
Mirildra: Goddess of Truth takes the form of a teenage girl with the traits of a monkey. She can cause anyone to tell the truth. Sister of Wybeta
Mohana: Goddess of Magic. Appears as a woman is flowing robes.
Nava: Goddess of Nature. Appears as a elven woman made out of wood and vines. Creator of elves, alfarae, and the fae
Nekros: God of War. Appears as a giant heavily armored warrior with glowing red eyes.
Rasthor: God of Death. Appears as a pale white man of skin and bones dressed in a black hooded cloak and carrying a scythe
Shreya: Goddess of the Sun. Appears as a beautiful woman bathed in bright light with a sun-like crown on her head.
Shuldra: Shuldra is the Goddess of Good and one of the surviving elder gods. She appears as a young woman of virtue. Shuldra was originally a part of Dyfon, the God of Order and Chaos, before he could no longer handle the good and evil aspects of his nature and severed the into separate beings. Shuldra takes no part in any of the pantheon politics. She feels that her sole duty is to combat her brother Falarog, the God of Evil, should he ever escape from his prison realm.
Skojai: God of Trade takes the form of a mature man. He has four arms.
Sylana: one of the few remaining members of the elder gods, Sylana is the goddess of creation and the mother of the majority of the pantheon. She appears as a young, but matronly woman with motherly qualities. As an elder god, she is the oldest member of the pantheon.
Zargan: God of Leadership and King of the Gods. Has the appearance of an ordinary male dwarf, but seems to emit an aura of leadership. Creator of the dwarves
Minor Deities
These gods and goddesses are active members of the pantheon, but are not as powerful, notable, or important as the main 22. While they are worshipped, their worshippers are not nearly as widespread. As such, they are not considered to be part of the temple system and are not represented on the Council of Grand Priests. In fact, they don’t even have a Grand Priest within their hierarchy. Some may be widespread enough to have a Greater Priest, but most will only have one or two High Priests at best. While not considered to be cults, few even have full temples. At best, they will have a few shrines spread out across the continent. If a minor deity gains enough followers and influence, they may be considered to join the major gods, gaining a representative on the Council of Grand Priests as well. This is not easy to do though and has not happened in tens of millennia, when Agaila joined the ranks of the major gods.
Nastia Nyx: Nastia Nyx is the goddess of shadows and makes her home in the Shadow Realm rather than the Overworld. She has the appearance of a somewhat short, young human woman.
Skylos Andras: Skylos Andras is the god of domesticated animals. While he is primarily revered by farmers, who make use of many domesticated creatures especially livestock, he has a special fondness for dogs. Skylos Andras has the appearance of a short, heavyset, brown haired young human male. He is believed to be the creator of the Canin. With domesticated animals being fairly common in Sarcasca, Skylos Andras has the second largest number of followers of the minor deities, with Jozrus barely edging him out in numbers. However, as he is rarely anybody’s primary deity, he is not in consideration for joining the major gods.
Zeldros: god of storms. Appears as a grey-skinned human with hair made of lightening
Herius: god of wine. Takes the form of a mature male human with a beard of grapevines
Naric: god of the hunt. Appears as a young male elf with antlers on his head and green skin
Nisrasil: god of sleep and pleasant dreams. Takes the form of an adult human male with the features of a lion and droopy grey eyes
Kulena: goddess of agriculture. Takes the form of a young elven woman
Zysheia: goddess of artisans and craftsmen. Takes the form of a mature female dwarf. She once gifted several mortals with the knowledge of crafting magical weapons and armor. Unfortunately, they taught very few others the secrets before their own deaths. The secret of how to create magical artifacts has been mostly forgotten and Zysheia is bitter about how this knowledge was wasted. She has refused to pass on the secrets ever since.
Panhena: goddess of the hearth. Appears as a young human woman
Rylena: goddess of mercy and forgiveness. Appears as a matronly female elf
Jozrus: god of science and technology. Appears as a middle aged gnome. Of all of the minor deities, Jozrus has the most followers thanks to being named the patron deity of Industria. Although not worshipped very much outside of Industria, his influence is growing and he may soon be in the running for consideration of joining the main group.
Mokion: god of humor and trickery. Appears as a young male gnome
Dullene: goddess music and song. Appears as a young female Halfling
Gelena: goddess of the seasons. Appears as a female elf, with her apparent age changing depending on what season she is representing